Getting the flu can strengthen your immune system, but while your body is busy getting stronger you probably feel like...poo. So! Here are some gentler, more natural methods of strengthening/preparing your immune system for when it needs to steal all of your physical energy and mental clarity to make you feel a little more like the Hulk. (Woohoo!)
Vitamin C--load up on it!
Vitamin D3--because most flu cases happen during the winter months due to lack of sunshine (the #1 source of Vitamin D), it's important to maintain healthy levels for a happy immune system (your doctor can help determine your personal happy D3 level)
Real Foods!--avoid processed junk containing lots of sugars and chemical preservatives and opt for actual food where the food itself is the only ingredient (Ex: an apple contains only apple, whereas most dried apple slices contain added sugar and possible food colorings--blech!)
Honey--it has antimicrobial, antibacterial, and antiviral properties (eat it all!) (break up some gunk in your chest/throat by putting it in a warm cup of tea)
Oscillococcinum--homeopathic flu remedy by Boiron; prepare to use it and love it (safer than over-the-counter remedies and works pretty fast)
Exercise--a sedentary lifestyle is not beneficial; get your endorphins and oxytocin flowing for a happy, healthy body
Relax--it's important to unwind as stress and anxiety can weaken the immune system
Call in sick!-- seriously, if you know you have the flu or highly suspect it, stay home! Don't go spreading that crap around! No one wants it! And chances are that if you go out knowing you're sick, you'll be sick for a longer period of time! Which just suck for everyone involved, but especially for you. You don't want to take your weakened immune system around other (potentially) sick individuals or in sucky winter weather and catch something worse, do you? Stay home, eat some (homemade or at least healthy canned) chicken noodle soup, drink lots of fluids (orange juice, apple juice, water) and go to bed (feel free to fall asleep while reading or binge-watching something you like).
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