Who likes cauliflower?! If you do, great! If your kids don't but you're trying to get them to eat healthier, hopefully, this will help! Did you know that cauliflower is basically a vegetable powerhouse?And there's more than one color, in case you didn't know. Aside from the white, which we're all accustomed to being the only option at most grocers, the other colors are bright!
There are tons of benefits to consuming cauliflower! Cauliflower contains: vitamin C, folate, vitamin K, B complex vitamins, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, sodium, manganese and iron. Also, it contains protein, unsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fiber, and as a bonus to anyone who is not a fan of broccoli...cauliflower has less sugar....weird but true. The orange cauliflower has an additional nutritional benefit: lots of vitamin A.
All of those nutritional benefits allow the powerhouse that is cauliflower to help the human body in so many ways! Such as: reducing your risk of cancer, heart and brain disorders, losing weight, increase your iron, help with indigestion, boost eye health, help regulate your hormones, assist in preventing diabetes, hypertension, and aid in defending against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. Cauliflower's minerals and antioxidants allow your immune system and bones to get stronger.
My go-to recipe for cauliflower is pizza--yum! This recipe is simple, pretty quick and there's not a ton of prep time involved--phew!
Cauliflower Pizza
All you need is:
1 medium-large head of cauliflower
1 egg
1 (8 oz) bag of shredded cheese (or more depending on how much you love cheese)
1 jar of tomato-based sauce or can of tomato paste
Spices: use want you want your crust to taste like (I like to add an Italian seasonings blend and Turmeric)
Toppings! Put whatever you like on pizza on this healthier version.
Here's what I like to put on mine:
ham or chicken
bell pepper
How do you turn it into pizza?
Set the oven at 375-400 F
Grate the entire head of cauliflower into a mixing bowl (squeeze out any excess water you can)
Add the egg and half the bag of shredded cheese to the grated cauliflower and mix it all together (you can use a spoon/spatula or just get right into it with your (clean!) hands)
Dump the bowl out onto a baking sheet with parchment paper or onto a pizza stone and spread it evenly into whatever shape you want your pizza to be
Cook for 10-15 minutes or until the edges start turning brown; while it's baking get your toppings together; slice, dice, chop whatever you're using
Scoop and spread some sauce on top of the cauliflower as your first layer, then add your toppings and use the rest of the shredded cheese on top
Bake for another 10 minutes until everything is gooey and warm
Eat and Enjoy!
This is mine (with Daiya cheese) after I had already eaten half (with some help, thankfully!) :