Happy Sunday everyone! I'm sure when some of you read the title of this post you'll have the Nike slogan 'Just do it!' run through your head. I do, but after questioning whether or not to stick with it I focused on who told us to do it. Hint: it's not Nike. Ezra 10:4 says "Arise, for it is your task, and we are with you; be strong and do it." Now I know that this verse is about the people confessing to Ezra that they sinned by taking foreign wives and as a result put them away. However, you don't need to partake in the same events in order to relate to a specific verse. For example, the above verse helped convince me and give me the courage to actually publish this blog...yesterday. Not kidding. I kept finding things to adjust, change, alter, stall myself. I was afraid of publishing the web page I've been working on for months. Overthinking and anxiety flooded my brain each time. A small taste of which included, "I should change that color.", "I'm not sure about that layout...", "How did I do that and why can't I do it again?!", and the classic procrastinating thought "I'll do it tomorrow."After crying, stressing, praying, being anxious, some more stressing and crying, I paused and went to Pinterest. I went to my boards and searched for anything I had saved involving courage. Not far into my saves I found Ezra 10:4. It was just the thing I needed. I'm sure I had something saved that would have been more easy to link to this post or something better known, but alas, when I'm fighting and doing my best to not let anxiety consume me I don't exactly have the patience to read long and full-brain focus required quotes, articles, or verses. Which incidentally helps me pick out short parts that I can readily relate to and are simple for my overthinking brain to remember. Small things matter!
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