When's the last time you asked your older relatives about vaccines? How many did they receive? How many did you receive during childhood? How many are your children recommended to receive? It's interesting that there are so many grandparents and great-grandparents that believe in vaccinating whenever the doctor recommends it. However, this is partly due to the fact that they like most people do not realize how drastically the childhood immunization schedule as recommended by the CDC has increased since they were children. There are currently over 70 doses of vaccines recommended for children from birth to age 18. (This does not include the vaccines recommended to pregnant women that as a fetus they may have exposure to.) This in itself is a valid reason to maybe stop and research why there are so many today. Ask your doctor and you'll most likely hear,"To keep you healthy." Vaccine manufacturers and numerous pro-vax medical professionals believe that the increase in vaccines equates to an increase in technological advancement and a better understanding of the human body. Therefore, they believe that the greater number of vaccines given to a person results in a healthier population. Unfortunately, this is simply not the case. America has one of the highest rates of vaccination, one of the worst infant mortality ratings among the developed nations, and an increasingly sicker population. While various experts argue the reasoning behind this, it is difficult to ignore the fact that chronic illnesses among children have increased as the recommended list of childhood vaccinations has increased. I am not saying that vaccinations are the sole cause of what should really be considered an epidemic. I am, however, saying that it does play a part in how much toxicity and burden a body can handle before succumbing to some type of sickness or abnormality. If you don't believe there is any correlation between the two, please, feel free to survey older generations and ask them these questions: How many vaccines did you receive during your childhood? How many times can you recall being significantly sick? How many times as a child did you visit a doctor? Do you or anyone you know currently have a chronic illness? If you're feeling adventurous or extra curious, ask them the question in relation to their children, grandchildren or great-grandchildren. Chances are that the younger generations are more likely to experience a greater number of medical interventions than older generations. Some food for thought down below (courtesy of Texans for Vaccine Choice):